fort collins, colorado

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Previously Treasured but Now Not Needed(2015)

What is it that technology means to us? We can say that it is a means to an end, a tool to facilitate. We use technology to help us communicate and to do our work. We can connect and be entertained. And yet we are still uncovering the essence of our relationship to it.

Technology‚s charm resides in its ability to link us to the rest of the world. We do this through various devices and hardware, sometimes with as simple a tool as a pen other times with tools as complicated as a laptop. What marks our relationship with technology is how we treat this hardware. So often it is merely a portal or device that allows us access to others or to our own efficiency but we treat it differently than we do say, an old pair of shoes. If shoes are worn or no longer fit, we do not keep them. This is unlike our old hardware –flip phones and laptops, monitors and desktop towers. Most of us have one of these objects lying around, but to what end? Part of the story is our relationship to the object. At one time our old cell phones were omnipresent in our lives. We needed them close to remain connected. But now we have newer, faster, more complicated devices that render our old cell phones obsolete. What do we do with these objects that were previously treasured but now not needed?

This interactive experimental installation invites the public to come in and lay their technology to rest. An attendant listens and documents what the object meant to you, and then finds an appropriate reliquary to place your object in.

Link to project proposal here.